The Lifespan of a Fact
- Rehearsal: August 23, 2018
- Preview: September 20, 2018
- Open: October 18, 2018
- Close: January 13, 2018
Play - World Premiere
Running Time: 1hr 35mins
Jim Fingal has a small job: to fact check articles for one of the best magazines in the country. Jim Fingal’s boss has given him a big assignment: apply his skill to a groundbreaking piece by legendary author John D’Agata. And now, Jim Fingal has a huge problem: John made up some of his article. Well, a lot of his article. OK, actually, maybe the majority of it? What starts professional quickly becomes profane as one question rises to the surface: Can Jim Fingal ever just shut the fact up? Based on the Essay/Book by John D’Agata & Jim Fingal
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Staff & Creative Team
09/20/2018 - 01/13/2018 |
09/20/2018 - 01/13/2018 |
09/20/2018 - 01/13/2018 |