"Forbidden Sondheim: Merrily We Stole A Song" will open Green Fig Cabaret Theater

October 25, 2023
Forbidden Sondheim

Gerard, Alessandrini, creator of Forbidden Broadway, will brings his new special edition: FORBIDDEN SONDHEIM: Merrily We Stole a Song, a spoof and tribute the late Stephen Sondheim beginning Friday, Oct 27th. This edition inaugurates the new Green Fig Cabaret Theater, located in the Yotel (570 10th Avenue). Written and directed by Alessandrini, "Forbidden Sondheim" will play Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:00 PM, though Nov 27th. The show includes many new parodies of Sondheim's shows, and some classic favorites from Forbidden Broadway's 40 years of spoofing Sondheim shows and stars. The cast includes Dayna Jarae Dantzler, Chris Collins-Pisano, Jenny Lee Stern, Michael West with Christine Pedi as special guest. Musical staging is by Gerry McIntyre. Fred Barton, the original 1982 Forbidden Broadway music Director and Alessandrini collaborator returns as music director for this edition. Production cooridination is by Glenn Bassett. Tickets are available at www.thegreenroom42.venuetix.com.

Press contact: Glenna Freedman Public Relations (917-863-3833)